Information about Me and my Ideal Self Lifestyle

I am a Portland State graduate with a double major in Business and Psychology. After graduation I perused several different careers till I found one that I was truly passionate about and could dedicate my life to. I started at LA Fitness selling memberships and LA Fitness’s dream. This was not my dream, even though I was the manager of the largest (per membership dues) club in Oregon and southern Washington.

Seeing as I was a bigger child I knew the sting of not being accepted. One memory that is as real today as when it happened was playing soccer in fourth grade, we scrimmaged in a practice shirts vs skins. I ended up on the skins team, I remember standing around my team mates and our shadows projected on the field, not only was I the shortest but I was the widest and had those terrible “love handles” that were clearly visible EVEN in the shadow. While I did not know at the time but this would be the memory that would always remind me that I don’t have the best genetics and in order to become my Ideal Self I would have to put in a lot of work and dedication to become the person I wanted to be.

Since leaving LA Fitness I have tried to find another company that actually cares about their clients and wanted to see them become their Ideal Self as much as I did. After managing clubs and not feeling fulfilled I moved to training. This did allow me to become closer with clients and allow the one on one needed to help clients reach their goal. But this lead me to another problem, I wasn’t in control of the process. I had to always stay within guidelines and procedures that were walls created by these companies in order to keep the client content not happy. This is why I created Ideal Self Nutrition and Fitness; my company is designed by someone who lives the lifestyle and has the passion that is required to help anyone become their Ideal Self.

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