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By Ben Hyde

There is more to fitness than science, it is an art form with ideas based in science. No matter how much time, effort, and attention to detail each individualized nutritional and fitness plan will have, it will require a reboot in order for you to continue to grow and realize that anyone can become their Ideal Self.

My goal is to provide you with a nutrition and fitness plan that will start you off with the right tools so that you can continue to grow mentally and physically towards becoming your Ideal Self.

My Core Values

Program Design
    Program Design
  • Individualized nutritional and/or fitness plans
  • Fitness is not an exact science
  • I have core principles that work
  • Fine tuning them is the KEY in order for each person to achieve their full potential
Program Ethics
    Program Ethics
  • On this journey there must be honesty and trust
  • No question, comment, or concern is invalid
  • I will be respectful to anything you would like to know about my program
  • This is a no BS program!
My Commitment To You
    My Commitment to You
  • This is a life changing decision that you choose
  • I will always deliver with constant help and motivation
  • I am just an email away
  • Fine tuning them is the KEY in order for each person to achieve their full potential
We Are All Human
    We Are All Human
  • Understanding that everybody is different
  • Helping you understand that progression is not a speed issue
  • This is a positive choice that will lead to a new Ideal lifestyle
I Live This Program
    I Live This Program
  • I have been constantly adjusting my nutrition and fitness for seven years
  • I know the ups and downs, what works and what doesn't
  • I will be there for the high fives and for motivation when it will be hard

For more information click HERE

Question and Answers about Ideal Self Nutrition and Fitness

  1. What is covered in a consulation?

  2. Is this program easy?

  3. How much will this program cost?

  4. Will I need to buy specialized food?

  5. Will I need to buy a Special Gym Membership?

  6. How long will it take for me to become my Ideal Self.

For more information click HERE